Is There A Dark Side...?
Campfires & S’mores!
for the love of camping!
What is the best part of camping for you?
Is it the food, time in nature, sitting around the campfire, stargazing?
Or maybe you love having Nothing to Do!!
Are you a tried and true backwoods camper, a tenter, RVer or maybe more of a Glamper… Whatever it is that you love, camping is an amazing way to enjoy your summer!
But is there a dark side?
If you are the one in charge of prepping for these fun filled adventures you may have found that a simple little camping trip can get overwhelming fast!
Every May long weekend our family would load up our van with tents, blankets & pillows, food, games, clothes, toys, dutch ovens, dishes, rain gear, sunscreen, hats… you get the idea, the list seemed never ending! Our little minivan was filled to the gills and Inevitably we would still forget something!
But that’s not all…once we arrived at our favourite campground there was -Set up, unpacking, figuring out food, try to keep the kids entertained all while keeping our cool and make happy memories we would all treasure for years to come!
Sound familiar?
As the mom- aka the planner, organizer, packer and clean up crew, I always came home EXHAUSTED! And my sweet little family was always so confused that I was grumpy after such a fun weekend!?
what can be done about the “dark side”?
It may seem strange to have me- a campground owner, write about the down side of camping! After all I want you to come hang out with us!
But I also want you to know that we get it!
We want your stay to be more about making happy memories for EVERYONE!!
It’s one of the reasons we love fairy stones!
While you are fighting, I mean, working at setting up the tent or parking the RV, your little ones are searching for little fairy stones instead of asking you for a snack or if you can help them build a campfire!
Maybe sleeping in a tent is not your idea of fun… Glamping is Nothing to be ashamed of!
Stay in a Treehouse… Although you still have to pack your sleeping bags (unless you add the bedding package) and food, you don’t have to Park your RV or set up your tent! Who knows how many relationships have been saved by staying in a treehouse!
You’re still camping, but you get to jump into the adventure part faster!
Stay in a Cottage… If food & clothes are all you can manage to figure out, we’ve got you. When staying in one of our cottages you arrive, fill the fridge, drop your suitcases and put your feet up!
You can still enjoy a s’more over the fire and eat outside around the picnic table, but you can also opt to get cozy, pop some corn in the microwave and watch a movie!
When my kiddos were little I would set up treasure hunts and come up with crafts to keep their little selves busy! I Loved to do it!
But, if you are not into packing up your craft cupboard…
Try Teddybear picnics, wands & swords and Late Night Swims…
The fairy stones happen all day- everyday and the pool is open all day long, unless there’s thunder…
But Teddy bear picnics, Wands & Swords, Stargazing, and Late night swims can be fun too if you are here on the right days! You can enjoy time with your little ones and we've got the clean up covered!
The Calendar will give you more info for planning!
What Have We Missed?
We might not have solved all of the issues of camping… we haven’t figured out how to control the weather or the bugs. Although we have tried!
We are open to your ideas! If there is something you wish we offered or added please let us know and we will see what we can do!!
Even with the “Dark Side” Camping is still worth the time and effort. There really isn’t anything as wonderful as sitting around the fire on a warm summer night, being hypnotized by the colours of the flames. Catching sight of a firefly or two and hearing the laughter of your kiddos as they enjoy a gooey marshmallow!
And if we can help to make your adventure better, please let us know!